Lia McGuinness encountered Jesus in a personal way in her twenties, which changed her life. She then devoted herself to ministry – the poor, the sick, pro-life causes, parish life, but most especially to prayer, the source of her love affair with the Trinity, which continues to this day. In 2013, Lia stepped away from her career in business administration to care for her family and to discern where God may be calling her next. In 2020, she completed graduate studies in Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Direction at Creighton University and is now serving as a spiritual director in the Diocese of San Diego. Lia is a California native. She and her husband, Dan, live in San Elijo Hills in San Marcos and are members of St. Elizabeth Seton parish in Carlsbad.
Episode 2: Contemplative Prayer
Lia McGuinness
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Discussion Questions
1. Our Blessed Mother is a model of contemplative prayer: Reflect on the following scriptures Luke 2: 19: "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
2. St. Teresa of Avila states in her book Way of Perfection: "Contemplative prayer in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us." What strikes you about this definition of contemplative prayer?
3. What does it mean when Christian writers who consider contemplative prayer state that this is a form of prayer availble to all, not just to priests or religious?
4. What is the fruit of contemplative prayer - how might prayer (and life) look different if we seek God in contemplation?