Episode 3: Breakthrough of Grace

Simon Kyne

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Simon Kyne seeks to live daily that St. Irenaeus’s famous exhortation: “The Glory of God is man fully alive”. Raised a Catholic, as a university student he experienced a deepening of faith and religious fervor in his life and spent one year in full time youth and young adult ministry, serving the Catholic Church, immediately following World Youth Day in Denver Colorado. Since that formative year, Simon has sought to seek God in daily life and the adventure of the Divine Romance, by seeking to live out the Gospel by the grace of God and the sacraments of the Church. As one trasnformed by the love of God, Simon has a heart for evangelization, and seeks to witness to the power of God, our generous “Yes” to Him, and to answered prayer. He is a parishioner at St. Margaret Parish, and lives in San Marcos, CA with his wife Mary, and two children, Magdalena and Silas.

Discussion Questions

1. This talk started by describing great saints who lived through turbulent times: what other saint (or saints) inspire you today?
2. Pope Paul VI wrote: The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step towards Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms.(Gaudete in Domino) How might we take a step towards Jesus today?
3. St. John of the Cross described the soul drawing close to God like a log that is consumed by flame into something beatiful. How is God moving in your life such that this patient process of conversion is making you more Christ-like?
4. What scripture passages particularly encourage you when you face spiritual disappointments or setback?

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