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The Breakthrough of Grace Podcast seeks to gather like-hearted followers of Jesus to encourage each other in our daily quest to love God, inspire others and to seek to live fully alive (St. Irenaus).

We do this through presenting stories of faith lived out and shared by dynamic speakers who, in their words, lead ordinary lives which have been transformed by God’s extraordinary graces.

We invite you to join us in listening to their compelling accounts which spring from their rich and authentic experiences in responding to the challenge of the Gospel. It is our desire that our presentations encourage and affirm who you are, and provide comfort and blessing as you respond to God’s invitations to draw close to Him.

We are grateful for you, and praying for you.

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Joe Szalkievicz and Simon Kyne

Joe Szalkievicz and Simon Kyne

Episode 1: Welcome from the Founders

Lia McGuinness

Lia McGuinness

Episode 2: Contemplative Prayer

Simon Kyne

Simon Kyne

Episode 3: Breakthrough of Grace

Michael May

Michael May

Episode 4: Divine Mercy

Bret Schanzenbach

Bret Schanzenbach

Episode 5: St. Francis and Servant Leadership

Kelly Leisten

Kelly Leisten

Episode 6: St. Maria Goretti & The Rescue of God

Simon Kyne

Simon Kyne

Episode 7: He Came to Show us the Father (The Invitation of Lent)

Kimberly King

Kimberly King

God Glorifies Himself Through Our Brokeness

Simon Kyne – May 2022

Simon Kyne – May 2022

Episode 9: The Message of Fatima


Upcoming Events

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"Faith is born of an encounter with the living God who calls us and reveals his love, a love which precedes us and upon which we can learn for security and for building our lives."

- Pope Francis
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"The city is the image of the soul, the surrounding walls being the frontier between the outward and inward of life. The gates are the faculties or senses connecting the life of the soul with the outward world. Living springs and water rise within it. And in the center, where beats the heart, stand the holy sanctuary."

- St. Catherine of Siena
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"Through monthly fellowship and witness, highly successful business and career minded people share the importance of their call to Christian leadership.  The authentic and transparent way they put God first in all aspects of their lives has certainly inspired me over the years!  We are all called to leadership in some capacity in our Catholic faith!"

- JS Jr, San Diego
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